Top Recommended Snacks to Keep Your Child’s Smile Happy and Healthy

Your kids oral health is not only dependent on how well you or they care for their teeth and gums. What they eat plays a crucial role in ensuring they have healthy, strong teeth and a beautiful smile too. Children’s diet and snacks are critical points to discuss.

Kids love to grab something off the table and munch as they do their homework or head out to play or watch a movie. Ensuring that they are choosing the right foods can make caring for kids’ teeth easier. Here are some items you can keep within easy reach of kids to snack upon.

Full of teeth and gum-friendly vitamins

One simple way to avoid an emergency children dental checkup for painful teeth or gums is to ensure your child gets plenty of vitamins essential for kids oral health. Vitamin C is one critical component for dental health, keeping bacteria growth down, improving immunity, and bringing better blood circulation to your gums. Vitamin C rich foods like strawberries, kiwis, and oranges can make great snacking items.

Add a salad with plenty of tomatoes, peppers, cheese, and a generous sprinkling of a little bit of lemon juice as an evening snack. Milk is another good addition, with other essential nutrients, Vitamin D and calcium. Soy-based foods and mushrooms are good sources of Vitamin D too. This vitamin makes teeth stronger and helps with calcium absorption, which is essential for bone and teeth health.

Calcium is paramount for healthy teeth, and it is easy to get calcium into your kids diet by way of milk, cheese, yogurt, or even ice cream. Leafy greens and sardines at meal times give them adequate calcium too. Potassium, another bone health nutrient, is available aplenty in bananas, avocados, and prunes.

Vitamin B averts mouth sores, helps with bad breath, and fights infections. You will find this nutrient in dairy, spinach, fish, and poultry. Vitamin A helps rebuild damaged tissue and stimulates saliva production too. Add egg yolks to poultry and dairy to the child’s snacks for this vitamin, and you’ll never have to make an emergency visit to the children’s dentist.

Another nutrient for immunity is iron, which also builds red blood cells in the body. Your milk, leafy greens, eggs, and seafood are excellent sources of iron too.

Rich in fibre and high in water

Adequate water intake is essential to keep saliva production ideal. Saliva production ensures proper kids dental cleaning, getting rid of bacteria and debris from the mouth. Get your child to down soups and juices with water-rich veggies and fruits.

It is also essential to give them crunchy foods to the whole for the fibre content. Fiber-rich foods help scrub teeth and gums and keep them clean. Apples, pears, carrots, and celery stalks are all great snacks for your child that can cut down your need for a professional kids dental cleaning.

Not-so-friendly snacks

There are also foods to avoid if you want to avert emergency visits to the children’s dentist. Caring for a kids teeth becomes easy when the diet is pro-dental health. The first tip is to avoid sugary snacks. Sugar is the most favourite food for bacteria that thrive in the mouth. If you need appointments for a kids dental cleaning too frequently because of plaque build-up, it could be because of an overdose of sugary snacks.

Highly citrus foods are dangerous too; they strip the enamel and necessitate a children’s dentist visit when the little one develops tooth sensitivity. Dried fruit bits that are touted as healthy snacks may have added sugars. That makes them avoidable too. Colas can stain the teeth and eat away at the enamel too, and you may not realize that until your next children’s dental checkup.

Crackers are a popular snack, but they can turn into sugar too, which is detrimental to kids’ oral health if they are made from white flour. Substituting these with healthy options helps you score full marks at the next children’s dental checkup.


To summarize, caring for a kids teeth is not very difficult when you combine your dental hygiene routine with the proper diet and snacking for the child. If you are still determining what is healthy, check with your child’s dentist for suggestions at the next routine checkup.


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